
your shop assistant

Holidays left for a few days more and guess who's nervous as heck to begin her new semester of bachelor? 

ME (oh man, that's so obvious) 

Cut to the chase, yes I was working as a cashier in a pharmacy for two months (plus two weeks) with the objectives to fulfill my time and yknow, to gain experience which hopefully benefits me in the future  (cliche nya eeww). Even though I signed the contract as a full-timer cashier, but being a cashier also means being an all-rounder in the store. Working was tiring but the experiences are just pure gold.

I learnt a lot throughout the two months. I learnt something that I, myself couldn't obtain in school or college. It has to be gained from an absolute new place, out of my comfort zone. I mingled with people who are completely different with me. Different in terms of background, spirit and passion, faith, ways of thinking and sense of humor. 

I have to admit, the first month of working was kinda horrible. I did not know how to blend in with the permanent staffs and I tend to repeat the same mistakes while being a cashier (wrongly scanned or key in the wrong button etc) which then led to being rebuked by my executive or supervisor. It was also frustrating that I had no friend to talk to at work, or to joke around you know, having fun while working. I hated the moment I've got to get ready to leave for work. It was a bitter month for me, you see. 

But then, there was this one morning I woke up and promised myself to enjoy myself at work.  I've decided to stop being quiet and just be me. And I did. I talked more, laughed more, did some lame jokes and suddenly, we were good. the kakak who I could guess that she disliked me looking at the way I was treated, suddenly laughed to my crappy jokes, talked more with me and sometimes, she shared her life stories which made us friends. Alhamdulillah. 

I also improved my communication skills, of course after two months plus of promoting deal of the day and promotions. I also learnt to be nice to customers tho they sometimes are so freaking rude. I remembered I was so angry this one lady who treated me like her hamba abdi then she got mad at me for something I didn't deserve. I felt like screaming of frustration at that time but luckily was comforted by one of my colleagues hahaha geram ok. 

There was this one time, a senior of mine (basically, she is four years older than me if I'm not mistaken, I recognise her face BUT WE NEVER TALK AT ALL AT SCHOOL because you know, she is a senior and i am the junior) came to the store. At the cashier counter, she asked me whether I used to school in kj, and I nodded. And out of nowhere, she got emotional and scolded me for working. She was preaching on the importance of education and mad at me for abandoning my studies. Yes guys, she was assuming I did not further my studies :') When I told her that I'm waiting for degree result, she was "eh kenapa awak dah nak sambung degree, awak kan muda lagi" bingo. 

Also, this one Chinese auntie who always stop by the store. She is considered as a regular customer. I guess she is in her early 70s. She likes to chat with me but there was a problem with it...... She cannot speak malay AT ALL and her english wasn't good so she spoke to me in Mandarin :') and throughout the conversation, I only nodded, laughed and said "oooooo i see" Guys, I've tried my best ok. 

I also did not understand guys who came to pharmacy and looking for cigarette. Excuse me, this is a health and beauty store?????? Also those jerks who came to us (female staffs) and asked what's the condom for. LONG SIGH. Cheap guys.

On the bright side, I am thankful for the kind customers who said "thank you", "please" and also wished me a good day. May God bless them as they made my day better. I also received duit raya from the several customers during raya season hehe There were a few of them also who actually tried to read my nametag so that they could pronounce my name. terharu gila ok. 

I guess, those are 20% of my moments working in a pharmacy. There are a lot more, but I'm saving it in my heart instead (cehwah actually i am lazy lol). All in all, I'm so blessed for the productive two months. Honestly, I decided to work just because I have nothing much to do during the long holiday. But there are people who work because they have to, who work because they desperately in need of money, for their family and kids. 

I kinda dislike the idea of working according to shifts 6 days in a week most importantly, something that isn't my passion. May Allah bless them all who work hard every day, seeking for halal rezeki with barakah.  You are all heroes

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